

We all strive to set good examples...We know this is important. But why is it that, even with the best of intentions, we often fail? Sometimes we do not set good examples for our children to follow. We do not deal with our own issues and learn from our mistakes...yet we want our children to succeed and reach their highest potential!

Do you give up?Father and Son walking on path

Sometimes, we do not continue looking for solutions to life's issues - but the possibility is there, in every encounter we have with them. What would it take for you to find out what is really going on with your child? How would life be if you sat down and really listened to them as they are talking about a difficult situation and then you did everything you could to support them?

Whose reality?

How do children decide what is reality? A child wants to know what's real. They are constantly considering what values to adopt. As they develop their individual value systems and decide where they stand in matters of right and wrong, they look to parents to listen to their conceptual thoughts and feelings. They will move on from black and white rules of right and wrong to discovering their own principles to guide them in how to act in different situations, if we allow them.

Do any of these issues apply to you?

  • It's a parent's right to tell (or yell at) a child about what is to be done
  • Children cannot grasp that their actions affect others
  • Children continuously fail to get somewhere necessary on time
  • Can you avoid holding grudges?
  • Can you stand your ground and set limits - do you dare say "no" when you really need to?....Even when family members are criticising what you are doing? (At these times when stress is high, saying what is needed is the beginning of gaining another's respect)
  • It's hard to keep praising your child
  • You do not recognise your child's successes
  • A child uses activities as excuses not to fulfil their jobs at home
  • Older children with jobs do not financially contribute to the home, nor help with cooking, washing and maintenance (This prepares them to cope when they leave)
  • You shy away from or do not prepare for questions of sexuality from children
  • Competitiveness is what drives many of the decisions you make for your children
  • The learning difficulties of your children render you unable to cope at the best of times

Children in Dancing Competition

We are often blind to the ways we do things over and over (our patterns and our thoughts), yet they are likely to be plainly obvious to others.

Your Life Patterns assists you to gain insights into the patterns or games that run you and the children in your life...It will highlight what you do that prevents you from fully benefiting from the time you spend with them.


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